The first Wild Horse Workshop was held in 1998. The original clinicians included 1SG Mark Atwood (Director, Cmdg. General's Mounted Color Guard, Ft. Riley) and trainers Frank Bell, Dennis Bright, John Sharp and Lesley Neuman.
Cher Eastep of Colorado and Robert Denlinger of Kentucky joined the teaching team in 1999
and we added demonstrations on clicker training. Hue Simpson of California presented
her "Focus Training" techniques which are based in part on TTeam.
Since then we have enjoyed the participation of Rick and Kitty Laumann, Jim Rea, Steve Rother, Mike Horrigan, Donna West, Chris Erlon and Diane Delano.
This fall's event is being held at Camelot Arena in Stagecoach, NV... in the middle of wild horse country. In fact it's not unusual to spot wild bands from the arena property. (Observe local speed limits!)
New Arrivals off the Transport ('98)

Frank Bell and a wild one ('99)

First ride on a wild horse ('01)

Clinicians signed up for the 2006 fall program include
Marialaina Batoog,
Cher Eastep,
Willis & Sharon Lamm, Rob Pliskin, Jim Rea,
Betty Retzer, Hue Simpson and Tony Sumner.

for the Registration Page
The infamous "stud colt" poker game ('01)

"First contact" using a bamboo pole
